Monday, December 8, 2008

State of Mind/Focus Questions

In order for a coach to change the state of mind of a client, the coach has to change his/her own state of mind first. There are various ways to do this. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on a few of the main techniques:

Focus Questions [Questions aimed at generating general answers, getting to the details that support beliefs, and converting thoughts into feelings...]:

  1. What am I happy about right now?
  2. What about that makes me happy?
  3. How does that make me feel?
  1. What am I excited about right now?
  2. What about that makes me excited?
  3. How does that make me feel?
  1. What am I proud about right now?
  2. What about that makes me feel proud?
  3. How does that make me feel?
  1. What am I grateful for right now?
  2. What about that makes me feel grateful?
  3. How does that make me feel?
  1. What am I committed to right now?
  2. What about that makes me feel committed?
  3. How does that make me feel?

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